GTD tips and tricks, Ultimate 30 points to make it done better!

gtd tips and tricks

In today’s fast-paced world, staying focused and productive is becoming increasingly difficult. The never-ending stream of emails, meetings, and deadlines can make it seem like there’s never enough time to get everything done. That’s where the Getting Things Done (GTD) method comes in. GTD is a productivity system developed by David Allen that has helped millions of people around the world to stay organized and focused on their tasks. GTD tips and tricks will improve your GTD implementation!

At its core, GTD is a flexible and adaptable system that can be customized to suit individual needs and preferences. It’s designed to help you capture all of your tasks and ideas, process them, and organize them in a way that makes sense to you. By doing so, you can reduce stress, increase focus, and stay on top of your work.

However, like any system, GTD comes with its own set of challenges and obstacles that can make it hard to stay on track. Common GTD challenges include procrastination, feeling overwhelmed, difficulty with prioritization and decision-making, interruptions and distractions, and balancing work and personal life. In this article, we will share some of the top GTD tips and tricks to help you overcome these challenges and stay productive.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned GTD user, these tips will help you take your productivity to the next level. We’ll cover everything from setting achievable goals and breaking down tasks into smaller steps to dealing with unexpected changes or emergencies. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to mastering GTD and achieving your goals with ease. So let’s dive in!

GTD tips power

GTD Tips and Tricks

Avoiding common GTD pitfalls

  1. Overcomplicating the system: One of the common mistakes that beginners make when implementing GTD is making the system too complicated. This can lead to frustration and cause you to abandon the system altogether. Keep it simple and only add elements that are necessary.
  2. Failing to regularly review and update your system: GTD is a dynamic system that requires regular review and updates. Failure to do so can lead to an unorganized and cluttered system that doesn’t serve its purpose.
  3. Being too rigid with the system: GTD should be a flexible system that can adapt to changes in your life. Being too rigid with the system can lead to a lack of adaptability, which can make it difficult to stick with GTD over the long-term.
  4. Not capturing all tasks and ideas: One of the core principles of GTD is capturing all tasks and ideas in a reliable system. Failing to do so can result in important tasks and ideas slipping through the cracks.
  5. Using the wrong tools or system for your needs: GTD is a customizable system, which means that you need to choose the right tools and system that work best for you. Using the wrong tools or system can lead to frustration and difficulty in implementing GTD effectively.
  6. Neglecting to prioritize and delegate tasks: Prioritizing and delegating tasks is a crucial part of the GTD system. Neglecting to do so can result in a lack of focus and productivity.
  7. Getting bogged down in the details rather than focusing on the big picture: It’s important to keep the big picture in mind when implementing GTD. Getting bogged down in the details can lead to a lack of progress and a feeling of overwhelm.
  8. Letting your inbox become overwhelmed: Your inbox is a crucial part of the GTD system, but it’s important to keep it from becoming overwhelmed. Regularly clearing out your inbox is essential to maintaining an organized system.
  9. Not regularly clearing out completed tasks: Clearing out completed tasks is a key part of the GTD system. Not doing so can lead to a cluttered system and a lack of clarity.
  10. Failing to celebrate your successes and progress: Celebrating your successes and progress is an important part of the GTD system. Doing so can help you stay motivated and encouraged to continue with the system over the long-term.

Staying motivated and consistent with GTD

  1. Setting achievable goals: Setting realistic and achievable goals is important to staying motivated with GTD. Goals that are too difficult to achieve can lead to frustration and burnout.
  2. Breaking down large projects into smaller tasks: Breaking down large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks can make them less intimidating and easier to tackle. This can help you stay motivated and productive.
  3. Creating a routine for reviewing and updating your system: Creating a regular routine for reviewing and updating your GTD system can help you stay consistent and organized. It can also help you identify areas that need improvement.
  4. Celebrating your successes and progress: Celebrating your successes and progress is important to staying motivated with GTD. It can help you stay positive and encouraged to continue with the system.
  5. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community: Surrounding yourself with a supportive community of people who use GTD can help you stay motivated and learn from others’ experiences.
  6. Keeping your system visible and accessible: Keeping your GTD system visible and accessible can help you stay organized and remind you of the tasks you need to complete.
  7. Continuously learning and refining your GTD system: GTD is a dynamic system that requires continuous learning and refinement. Learning new techniques and tools can help you stay motivated and improve your productivity.
  8. Avoiding multitasking and focusing on one task at a time: Multitasking can actually decrease productivity and increase stress. Focusing on one task at a time can help you stay focused and productive.
  9. Using positive affirmations and visualization techniques: Using positive affirmations and visualization techniques can help you stay motivated and confident in your ability to use GTD effectively.
  10. Taking breaks and practicing self-care: Taking breaks and practicing self-care is important to avoiding burnout and staying motivated with GTD. Taking care of yourself can help you stay energized and focused.

Incorporating GTD into your daily routine

  1. Procrastination and lack of motivation: Procrastination and lack of motivation can be common challenges with GTD. To overcome these challenges, it’s important to set achievable goals, break down tasks into smaller steps, and celebrate progress and successes.
  2. Feeling overwhelmed or stuck: Feeling overwhelmed or stuck can be a result of having too many tasks or not knowing where to start. To overcome this challenge, it can be helpful to prioritize tasks, break down large projects into smaller tasks, and ask for help or advice from others.
  3. Difficulty with prioritization and decision-making: Difficulty with prioritization and decision-making can make it hard to stay organized and productive with GTD. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to set clear goals, break down tasks into smaller steps, and use tools like the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize tasks.
  4. Dealing with interruptions and distractions: Interruptions and distractions can be a major challenge to staying focused with GTD. To overcome this challenge, it can be helpful to set aside focused work time, use tools like noise-cancelling headphones, and avoid multitasking.
  5. Balancing work and personal life: Balancing work and personal life can be a challenge with GTD. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to set clear boundaries between work and personal time, prioritize tasks, and use tools like the GTD weekly review to plan for both work and personal tasks.
  6. Difficulty in sticking to a routine: Difficulty in sticking to a routine can make it hard to stay consistent with GTD. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to create a routine that works for you, stay motivated by celebrating progress, and use positive affirmations and visualization techniques.
  7. Forgetting to update or review the system: Forgetting to update or review the GTD system can lead to disorganization and decreased productivity. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to create a routine for reviewing and updating the system, use tools like reminders or calendar alerts, and set aside dedicated time for updating and reviewing.
  8. Feeling guilty for not completing all tasks: Feeling guilty for not completing all tasks can be a common challenge with GTD. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to focus on progress and accomplishments, rather than perfection, and use positive affirmations to stay motivated.
  9. Struggling with technology and tools: Struggling with technology and tools can make it hard to use GTD effectively. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to choose tools that work for you, invest time in learning how to use them effectively, and seek out help or advice from others if needed.
  10. Dealing with unexpected changes or emergencies: Dealing with unexpected changes or emergencies can be a challenge with GTD. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to stay flexible, prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency, and use tools like the GTD weekly review to adapt to changing circumstances.

GTD tools you can’t skip!


Todoist is a powerful task management app that allows you to capture and prioritize all of your to-do’s in one place. By setting due dates, assigning tasks to projects, and creating recurring tasks, you can stay organized and focused on what’s important. For tips on how to optimize Todoist for GTD, check out the article with the best Todoist Setup.


Notion is a versatile productivity app that can be customized to suit your specific needs, making it an ideal choice for creating a GTD system. With Notion, you can track tasks and projects, set up kanban boards, and even create custom templates. For a pre-made template to get started with Notion for GTD, check out article with free GTD Notion template. With the right setup and approach, Notion can be a valuable tool for improving your productivity and staying on top of your to-do’s.

be consistent

Be consistent

By implementing the GTD methodology and utilizing the tips and tricks discussed in this article, you can take control of your time and productivity. By capturing all of your tasks, organizing them into actionable items, and prioritizing them based on importance and urgency, you can focus your energy on what’s most important and achieve your goals with greater ease.

By taking the time to implement GTD in your life, you’ll be rewarded with a greater sense of control and accomplishment, allowing you to live a more fulfilling and productive life. Don’t hesitate, start implementing these GTD tips and tricks today and experience the benefits for yourself!